Spring Is Skipping Victoria, Australia So Far, Melbourne Has Its Coldest Spring in Nearly 50 years


Weatherzone reports Melbourne, Australia in Victoria, is experiencing an unusually cold spring.

“Melbourne is on track to having its coldest November in 48 years and its first November since 2001 that fails to reach 30ºC,” wrote Weatherzone on November 24. “A series of unseasonable cold fronts over southeastern Australia, combined with a lack of widespread late-spring heat over the Australian continent, have caused an unusually cool run of weather in Melbourne this month.”

On December 1, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology made it official, 2022’s November was the coldest Melbourne had experienced since 1974, nearly half a century ago. November 2022 failed to reach 30℃ on any single day for just the third time in 50 years, the first time that had happened since 2001. Melbourne’s average high temperature for November 2022 was 10℃ cooler than the historic average for the month.

Jane Bunn, 7 News Melbourne meteorologist, reports that an ongoing La Nina weather pattern is the primary driver of Victoria’s unusually cold and wet spring.


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