Spring In Antarctica Setting Cold Temperature Records


An examination of various research stations across the Antarctic continent shows that several of them are recording anomalously low temperatures for the season, extremely low for the spring.

“Stations such as Vostok and the South Pole, as well as Conordia and Dome Fuji have ALL been posted anomalously low readings during the first 10-days of October, temperatures that are rivaling record monthly lows,” reports Electroverse. “Vostok reached -74.9C (-102.8F) on Oct 7, according to the official data (shown below). This is now the seasonal monthly minimum in Antarctica, besting Vostok’s Oct 3 low of -73.8C (-100.8F), ….

“The cold is persisting ACROSS the Antarctic Plateau, not just Vostok,” continues Electroverse. “On the same day, the low at Dome Fuji came in at -72C (-97.6F) — incredibly late in the season for such cold.”

Interested parties can track daily temperatures across many research stations in Antarctica be going to TimeandDate.com.


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