Late-Winter Cold Spell Threatens Argentinian Wheat Crop


Frost Damaged Wheat. Source: Kansas State University

The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange is warning that a pending period of cooler than normal weather poses a threat to Argentina’s wheat crop, and UkrAgroConsult are reporting.

“Cooler-than-expected temperatures in Argentina next week could trigger frosts and damage crops in one of the world’s largest grain-exporting nations, the Buenos Aires Grains Exchange said on Wednesday,” said “Wheat is likely to be the worst-hit major crop, as farmers in the South American nation have yet to start planting their corn and soybean crops for the 2024/25 season.

“‘The mass of polar air that will accompany the passing of the cold front will produce minimum temperatures well below the normal range across most of the agricultural area,’ the exchange said in a report,” wrote.

FastMarkets Agricensus reinforced the Buenos Aires Grains Exchange’s warning writing that South American farmers faced the threat of “low temperatures and potential frosts.”


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