Winter Is Not Quite Done with New England


It may be spring according to the calendar, but winter lingered a bit in New England, with an April storm delivering more than a foot of snow across a wide swath of the region.

“An April snowstorm swept through the Northeast this week, blanketing communities in snow that had already gotten a taste of spring,” reported MassLive. “The storm caused hundreds of schools and school districts to close and over 100 flights at Boston Logan Airport to be canceled.”

Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont received the heaviest snow, with Rochester, Vermont reporting the highest snow total of 21.5 inches. Five towns in Vermont, three in Maine, and one in New Hampshire reported receiving 18 inches of snow or more.

More than two dozen other communities in those three states reported 15 inches or more of snow, while nearly three dozen additional towns got more than a foot of snow.

Nor was Massachusetts spared the unusual for the season cold and snow. Although the snow was not quite as heavy in Massachusetts, it and high winds did affect some activities there.

“Thursday [April 4] was an absolutely brutal day outdoors. North and west of Boston, most folks woke up to a snowy landscape with a coating to several, new inches of pasty, wet snow,” reported CBS News, Boston. “In Worcester, where more than three inches of snow fell, the Worcester Red Sox had their first official “snow out,” postponing their game with the Buffalo Bison at Polar Park.”


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