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Hudson Bay Is Experiencing a 20 Year Cooling Trend with Longer Ice Season

No Tricks Zone reports recent research show the vast majority of Canada’s Hudson Bay has been freezing earlier and the ice breaking up later, since 2000. Data recorded at 15...

Cold Hits Southern Africa, Harming Zimbabwe Crops

Agricultural officials advised Zimbabwe farmers to cover their crops for protection against unusually cold conditions during the first week of July. The advisory is rare for the tropical African...

Australia Shivers in Extreme Cold

Queensland, Australia, is known as the Sunshine State because of its consistently warm and sunny weather. This week, however, Queensland suffered its coldest maximum temperature in two decades. Coming...

Cold Spring Keeps Great Lakes Too Cold to Swim During Summer

With cold temperatures putting a chill on the Great Lakes all spring, summer opened with only a few spots warm enough to swim. Even in the southern Great Lakes...

Canadian Ski Resort Opens in July for First Time in Decades

A very cold spring and summer in Western Canada has allowed the Banff Sunshine ski resort to open in July for the first time in more than three decades. The...

Orange, Massachusetts Experiences Record for Cold Temp for July

The Greenfield Recorder reports Orange, Massachusetts experienced a historic low temperature recorded for the date of July 10. A temperature of 47 degrees was recorded at The Automated Surface Observing...

Cold Spring Devastates Northwest’s Cherry Crop

A cold and snowy April has wrought havoc on cherry farmers in Washington and other Northwest U.S. states, with some farmers losing 98 percent of their crop. As a...

Global Coffee Prices Remain Near Record Highs After Consecutive Cold Years in Brazil

Global coffee prices remain at over $2 per pound, nearly double the long-term average, after consecutive years of cold weather in Brazil. In 2021, Brazil suffered widespread cold temperatures and...

Snow, Record Cold Freeze New Hampshire Over Father’s Day Weekend

Record cold temperatures hit New Hampshire over the Father’s Day weekend, with snow falling at elevations as low as 5,000 feet. While the establishment national media utilized the onset...

Seattle Media Complains About Persistently Cold Temperatures

The Seattle Times appears to have had its fill of persistently cold temperatures this spring, and the newspaper does not seem thrilled about a forecast for continuing cold. In an article titled,...

Long, Cold Spring Worries Washington Farmers, Delays Growing Season

Farmers in Washington state are fearing poor crop production this year because of a persistently cold spring. Hoping to salvage something close to a normal crop season, they are...

Searching For Global Warming, Pittsburgh Freezes Under Record Cold

Global warming appears to be AWOL in Pennsylvania this spring, as the city of Pittsburgh experienced record cold this week. Temperatures yesterday morning fell to 46 degrees as residents would...