Much Needed Snow Falls in Australian Ski Resorts


The first week of August brought a fresh batch of snow to many Australian Ski resorts. reports:

Exciting news for Australian skiers, as the weather Gods seem to have taken pity on us after an unseasonably warm latter-half of July.

Clear sunny skies gave way to a cold front that brought clouds and precipitation to the Snowy Mountains in Australia. The forecast for today, Thursday, August 10, 2023, calls for a top-up of between 5-10 cm (2-4 inches).

The Snow stake at Perisher Ski Resort in NSW recorded the snowfall:

The forecast from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology says that this will be followed by another one on Saturday (8/17) and two more fronts early and late next week, having the potential of bringing between 25-50 cm (10-20 inches) of snow. Nights are forecast to be below freezing levels.


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