Texas Town Sees Extreme Temperature Drop and Heavy Hail, Snowplows Clear Streets


Image: screencapture of video supplied to ABC News by a resident of Marathon, TX

ABC News reports that the town of Marathon, Texas experienced a weird severe weather event in late-May, a sharp temperature drop accompanied by heavy hail, with so much ice accumulating snowplows had to be deployed to clear roads.

The temperature in Marathon, Texas, fell more than 50 degrees on Wednesday afternoon as thermometers tumbled from around 105 degrees to the mid-50s in about an hour, Brian Curran, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service Midland, Texas, told ABC News.

Curran attributed the wild decline in temperature to the severe hail storm that hit Marathon.

Brad Wilson, chief of the Marathon Fire Department, told ABC News that it was as if conditions turned from summer to winter in an hour.

“There was about two feet of hail on our main street right in the center of town. It looked like snow,” Wilson said. “We went out there with a tape measure last night before the road crews came and plowed the roads.”

Severe weather was common across Texas during the last week of May, with downed trees and powerlines, and homes damaged by high winds and flooding not being unusual in many regions. However, Marathon may be the only city that had to deploy snowplows to clear its streets of ice.


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