Midwest United States Cold Spring May Continue and Add Planting Delays


AgWeb.com is reporting that a Frustrating Cold Weather Trend Could Produce More Planting Delays.

Much of the Midwestern United States has been experiencing a colder than normal spring, as indicated in an interview with USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey:

Cold temperatures helped usher in the month of May, a frustrating trend for farmers waiting for warmer soils to plant this year’s crops. USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey warns the colder-than-normal temperatures could stick around and possibly create further delays in planting progress.

“We have a pretty deep trough of low-pressure that’s kind of parked over the Midwest right now, which is leading to below-normal temperatures,” Rippey says.

Based on forecasts for the nation made by The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center, the trend for colder weather is likely to continue through May.

“It doesn’t look like that pattern is going to break anytime soon, so for the next couple of weeks, we might even see that pattern intensifying across the Midwest. That means significantly below normal temperatures, occasional showers and fieldwork delays,” Rippey explains.




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