California Saw Fifth-Coldest March in 129 Years


According to an April 11, 2023 story in the Los Angeles Times, March in California was unusually cold. The L.A. Times writes:

Data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show that last month was the fifth-coldest March in California since 1895, the first year in the agency’s database. The average temperature across the state was 44.2°F, nearly 9 degrees lower than the average of 53.1°F from March 2022.

In addition, Daniel Swain, a meteorologist at UCLA, posted Monday on Twitter that “a few regions of Northern California just experienced their coldest March on record.”

According to weather records, the coldest March in California happened in 1897, when the average March temperature dropped to 43.1°F. The warmest March happened during the Dust Bowl era: 57.2°F in 1934.

Swain went on to say “Overall, Dec-Mar 2022-23 was coldest such period in California in 44 years!”



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