New Record Low in Bismarck, North Dakota


With a recorded low temperature of -13℉, the National Weather Service in Bismarck, ND published a record-event-report (RER) on Thursday, March 20th, 2023 saying Bismarck’s previous cold temperature record for the date was beaten by 6°F. The normal minimum temperature for the date is 25°F. The old record of -7°F, was set in 1964, 59 years ago.

While very cold, it comes nowhere near the coldest ever temperature for the state. The coldest temperature ever recorded in North Dakota, -60 °F, occurred in Parshall on February 15, 1936, coincidentally, the same year North Dakota’s record high temperature was also set.

Many other areas of North Dakota saw subzero temperatures with the towns of Oakes and Rugby reporting temperatures of -20°F.


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