Freezing Temperatures and Storm Front Deliver Snow to Mountain’s Near Las Vegas


The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a winter storm warning for the for the area around Spring Mountain and Red Rock Canyon in in southern Nevada, reported KTNV 13, Las Vegas, on Sunday, December 11. Temperatures at the mountains around Las Vegas were below freezing overnight and throughout the day.

The NWS’s winter storm warning informed local residents and travelers to be aware that wind gusts in the region could top 60 mph and that “‘8 to 14 inches of snow’ could fall at elevations above 7000 feet.”

The NWS’s snow projections were borne out, according to the Las Vegas Review Journal, which reported the Lee Canyon Ski Resort had received 11 inches of snow by early on the morning of December 11. Lower elevations, where temperatures were below average for the December but still above freezing, received rainfall as the storm blew through.


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