Cold Wave Chills Central Florida


A WESH TV headline reports Central Florida to see major temperature plummet this week.

They write:

Cold air will greet us once again Wednesday morning as temperatures will be in the 40s and 50s.

A few spots in Marion County could drop into the 30s. A few more clouds will be present tomorrow afternoon and it will still be cool. Wednesday’s highs will reach the upper 60s.

These temperatures are well below normal for this time of year. Normal December low temperatures across the Orlando area are typically in the mid 50s, according to US Climate Data.

Meanwhile, ClickOrlando notes that Emergency cold weather shelters open as temperatures fall in Central Florida

With temperatures expected to fall overnight tonight, some emergency cold weather shelters are open in three Central Florida counties.

Temperatures in some parts of the area will feel like we’re in the 30s and 40s.

The forecasts issued by the National Weather Service in Melbourne, FL called for temperatures in the 30s and 40s for Central Florida early Tuesday, with patchy frost will be possible north of Orlando.


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