Daily Archives: Feb 14, 2025

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Europe’s Alps Getting Early Heavy Snow

Snowfall at the Stubaier Glacier. | Image: Stubaier Gletscher Facebook Snow has come early to a wide swath of the Europe’s Alps with Yahoo News...

Turkey’s Mount Ararat Welcomes First Snowfall of Season

Image: Hürriyet daily news Mount Ağrı, Turkey's highest peak at 5,137 meters and widely known as Mount Ararat of biblical fame, has seen the season's...

Early Snow in Northern China

Image: Tourists visit Yungang Grottoes in the snow on Tuesday in Datong, Shanxi province. On October 3rd, the China Daily newspaper noted an early...

Ukraine’s Carpathian Mountains Get Early Taste of Winter

Electroverse reports that portions of the Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine have received an early taste of winter with unusual amounts of snowfall for this...

Weather Service Issues Frost and Snow Alerts for Canada, Resorts Celebrate Season’s Continuing Snow

The Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) issued frost and snow alerts for parts of Western Canada, in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and in Eastern Canada,...