Alaska Is Slow To Thaw This Spring


Image: Weather Central

Although Spring has come to Alaska with the states’ near record snowpack beginning to melt in many locations, in other areas temperatures remain below freezing and snow is still falling, according to Snoflo.

As of April 26, the state as a whole remained 104 percent above normal snowpack for the date.

“The deepest snowpack in Alaska was last observed at Upper Tsaina River with a snowpack depth of 88”, about 157% of normal when compared to its 56″ average depth for this time of year,” reported Snoflo.

Temperatures are in the upper 30s to 40s across much of the state although a number of locations continued to experience below freezing temperatures in the last week of April, and snow is still continuing to fall in some spots.

“Prudhoe Bay, perched at an elevation of 30 ft., is currently experiencing some of the coldest temps in Alaska with air temps last recorded at 7℉,” Snoflo said. “More snowfall is expected this week, and areas like Coldfoot are forecasted to receive up to 3″ of snowfall in the next 5 days.”

Other areas still experiencing below freezing temperatures include Atigun pass (27℉), Imnaviat Creek (30℉), Rhoads Creek (10℉), and Sagwon (14℉). One to three inches of snow is forecast for Mt. Ida, Cleary Summit, Birch Hill, Upper Chena, Tokositna Valley, Mt. Ryan, Moore Creek Bridge, Johnson’s Camp, Grouse Creek Divide, Exit Glacier, Eagle Summit, and Chisana.



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