Killeen, Texas Sets Daily Low-Maximum Temperature Record, and It Was Not Alone


The Killeen Daily Herald reported that the Killeen-Fort Cavasos area of Texas set a new record for its all-time daily low-maximum temperature for the date of July 23, this year.

“[W]ith a new record-low maximum Tuesday of 82 degrees, according to the National Weather Service … that’s the lowest ever high temperature for July 23 in Killeen,” the Killeen Daily Herald wrote. “A cold front blew into Texas Sunday, lowering temperatures into the 80’s and bringing thunderstorms and cloud cover to the Central Texas region.

“According to the National Weather Service, the previous lowest high for July 23 was recorded in 1978 at 86 degrees,” said the newspaper. “‘Temperatures like we have today in Texas are very atypical for this time of year,’ … the National Weather Service [said in a phone call with the Killeen Daily Hereald].

Killeen was not alone in experiencing unusually low temperatures for late-July. In fact, the majority of the continental United States experienced lower than normal temperatures on July 22 and July 23 (See the temperature anomaly maps below).

Temperatures of 4 to 8 degrees Fahrenheit below average were common across the mid-West to the mid-Atlantic on July 22 and July 23. Some areas even recorded temperatures 12 to 20 degrees below normal for the dates, with a number of cities and towns in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, and Texas setting records for daily lows or daily low-highs.


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