Some European Ski Resorts Re-Open Due to Late Spring Snowfalls


Image: Webcam from Marbachegg Ski resort in Switzerland

SnowBrains reports that late spring snowfalls in Europe are leading to an extended ski season at many resorts:

A cold front sweeping across Europe which brought late season snowfalls to the Alps from Germany to Italy has led to a slew of smaller ski resorts re-opening for a late season fun day, weekend, or even a whole week. Scandinavia has also seen below freezing temperatures and some snow falling. The forecast for this week has a warm weather front bringing moisture to the Alps, the Appenine mountains and Scandinavian ski fields and there is more snow in the forecast, with some areas seeing up to 30 inches of snowfall this coming week.

SnowBrains goes on to say:

In Italy, smaller resorts and ski areas in the Appenine mountains, such as Bolognola Ski opened again which have also been having a rather poor season due to a lack of snow and warm weather earlier in the year.

Climatologists expressed concern that the late-season cold temperatures and snow, coming after a brief warm spell during which some plants began to sprout or bloom, may damage vegetation and impact crops and harvests.

The image below is a webcam shot from the Bolognola Ski resort in Italy:


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